Alas para crear A.C. (Wings to create) is a nonprofit organization that was born as a result of an interview with a woman in pre-release program whose eyes revelealed a hard working and loyal person with hopes for another chance in life.

It´s only one of many stories that happen all over Mexico; women up on their feet who are waiting for an opportunity to rebuild their lives.

That´s why in Alas para crearwe develop sustainable initiatives that help empower women in situations of social vulnerability, so that they can acquire necessary tools to start a new life.

Alas para crear firmly believes that each woman is an integral part of any society. By empowering one woman, you enpower the whole family, thus reducing powerty indicators.

But there are many more people out there that need help: young adults and teenagers in poverty, that are in need of an integral training so that they can have a better future.

We want to express our profound gratitude to each and every one of you who has been a great help in the past and we want to invite more people and organizations from Hidalgo, Mexico and international community to join us in our cause so that more women, young adults and teenagers could spead their wings to fly.

Let´s create synergy so that together we may create a more equal and inclusive society!

Daniela Hernández